Cmplxmap.92g Version 1.2 Written for the TI-92 by Bhuvanesh Bhatt Version 1.2 Updated on Jan. 15th, 1999. This package consists of two programs: · CartMap(_f(z)_,_xrange_,_yrange_) plots a map of the cartesian identity map z=x+I*y, where I=sqrt(-1), into the function f(z) [the _ around f(z) etc. above denotes that you should not enter them literally -- enter evaluatable functions like sin(z)]. Enter xrange and yrange as lists: {xstart,xend,dx} and {ystart,yend,dy} You can also use {xstart,xend} -- this will use the default value for dx. If you use {anynumber} as input for xrange, the program will assume the default values for xstart, xend, and dx. These options apply to yrange as well. e.g. Try CartMap(sin(z),{-pi/2,pi/2,pi/28},{-1,1,1/10}) where pi should be replaced by its TI-92 represen- tation. · PolarMap(_f(z)_,_rrange_,_thetarange_) plots a map of the polar identity map z=r*Exp(I*theta), where I is again the square root of -1, into the function f(z). Enter rrange and thetarange as lists similar to xrange and yrange in CartMap(). The options (above) work for rrange and thetarange as well. e.g. Try PolarMap(sin(z),{0,2},{-pi,pi}) Notes: Express f(z) in terms of z only (no other undefined variables). Also, each of the two programs takes about 5 minutes to run. I don't know whether the package is compatible with the TI-92 Plus. I hope you enjoy using the package! Copyright: Please do not remove/modify the copyright notices in the programs. You may distribute these programs in an unmodified form provided this documentation is distributed with it. Thanks for using the package. The idea for these programs came from the Mathematica book by Stephen Wolfram, although the algorithm was developed entirely by myself. If you can optimize the programs for speed, please let me know. Any suggestions/comments/questions can be e-mailed to me at Bhuvanesh Bhatt.