

·         Added: ANumNorm, ANumTrac, CharPoly, ChebyPts, CPVInt, Curvatur, DCT, DST, Fit, FnPeriod, FundDisc, GenEigVl, gFactor, GrayCode, IntExp, IsMPrime, KronSymb, Lin1ODEs, LinFilt, MinPoly, MovMed, Nand, NFMahler, NFNorm, NFTrace, Nor, NthCoeff, PrimePi, RatNumQ, RotMat, Simplex, SimpStep, SinInt, StruveH, SumOfSqN, Torsion, UNormVec, UTanVec

·         Added MathTools Flash app, with several TI-Basic extensions

·         Updated: BesselY, CFracExp, Chop, Diophant, Eigenval, Hermite, IsApprox, LLcm, MatFunc, MovAvg, NResidue, OrderMod, QuadResQ, SqrtModP, SqrtNOMP

·         Bugfixes: AiryAi, AiryBi, FactList, FresnelC, FresnelS

·         Renamed: Interpol ® Lagrange

·         Removed: Install (and InstData)

·         Added around 10 routines

·         Updated around 8 routines

·         Renamed: Gosper ® Sum2Rec

·         Bugfixes: SVD, demo text files (they were mysteriously corrupted earlier)

·         Added around 50 routines

·         Updated over 30 routines

·         Renamed: ContFrac ® ContFrc1, Grab ® GetArg

·         Removed: Interval (if it is present in your MathTool folder, please delete it)

·         Modified all routines so that they can be used from any folder

·         Added around 165 routines

·         Updated around 35 routines

·         Renamed: GenEigVc ® Eigenvec, RepEigVl ® Eigenval, PInv ® PInverse,
® PolyGCD, PLcm ® PolyLCM, PMod ® PolyMod

·         Removed: FNorm (it was equivalent to the built-in norm() function)

·         Bugfixes: ExtGCD, FreeQ, GenEigVc, Install (and InstData), iSolve, list2eqn, mZeros, ReplcFac, RTInt, Terms, VarList, ZetaPrim

·         Added around 15 routines

·         Bugfixes: Resultnt, Sort, Sylvestr, VarList

·         Added around 35 routines

·         Updated a couple of routines

·         Improved documentation

·         First major update (many functions added)



MathTools and its documentation copyright © Bhuvanesh Bhatt (bbhatt1@towson.edu)