The TipList Chapter 3
Data structure tips
[3.1] Using indirection and setFold() with matrix elements
[3.2] Calculate table indices instead of searching
[3.3] Delete matrix rows and columns
[3.4] Reverse list elements
[3.5] Unexpected NewMat() operation in Cylindrical and Spherical vector modes
[3.6] Convert True/False list to 0's and 1's
[3.7] Replacement for Fill instruction in functions
[3.8] Work-around for writing to data variable elements
[3.9] Replace matrix rows and columns
[3.10] Appending is faster than augment() for adding elements to lists; seq() is even faster
[3.11] Store anything in a matrix
[3.12] Don't use delta-list function in data editor
[3.13] Find matrix minor and adjoint
[3.14] Randomize list elements
[3.15] Turn Pretty Print off to display commas in lists, matrices
[3.16] Use arrays with more than 2 dimensions
[3.17] Conditional tests on lists
[3.18] Swap list elements
[3.19] Test a list for identical elements
[3.20] Find matrix minimum and maximum
[3.21] Convert matrices to single-row or single-column vectors
[3.22] Create lists with logarithmic element spacing
[3.23] Use single bits as flags to save status information
[3.24] Use equations to build lists of lists and matrices
[3.25] Internal error with seq() and Boolean operators in list index calculation
[3.26] Find indices of specific elements in lists and matrices
[3.27] Fast symbolic determinants
[3.28] Fill a list or matrix with a constant
[3.29] Convert data variables to matrices
[3.30] Singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix
[3.31] Store new list element at index greater than dimension