The TipList Chapter 5
GraphLink Cable and Software Tips
[5.1] Unarchive variables to fix GraphLink transmission errors
[5.2] Backing up and restoring individual variables may be safer that Get Backup
[5.3] Do not restore a HW1 backup to a HW2 calculator
[5.4] Try Var-Link to fix GraphLink transmission errors
[5.5] Use TalkTI to develop PC applications which communicate with the 89/92+
[5.6] Build your own GraphLink cable (Hess's BCC Serial Link)
[5.7] GraphLink switchbox aids CBR/CBL programming
[5.8] Opening variables in GraphLink changes some characters
[5.9] GraphLink software sends either TI-89 or TI-92 Plus files
[5.10] Run GraphLink under Windows XP
[5.11] Improve font size of printed program source code