The TipList Chapter 4
Graphing and plotting tips
[4.1] Plot "vertical" lines on Graph screen
[4.2] Use DispG to force update to delta-x and delta-y
[4.3] Truth plots
[4.4] Plot data and functions simultaneously
[4.5] 3D parametric line and surface plots
[4.6] Graphing piece-wise defined functions with "|" operator
[4.7] Graphing piece-wise defined function with a unit step function
[4.8] Plot functions that return lists
[4.9] Faster plots of slow functions
[4.10] Faster plots of integral functions
[4.11] 3D data plots
[4.12] Random scatter plots of 'noisy' functions
[4.13] Bode plots
[4.14] Completely clear Graph screen
[4.15] Delete statistics plots from programs